Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Unintentional Humor, Courtesy of the Big Boy

I had a lovely Mother's Day. Complete with presents, a custom-grilled lunch by Chef Hawkeye, and lots of love from my boys.

My favorite present? A book that Big Boy made at school. He didn't mean it to be funny. But oh, it is.

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Mom, by Big Boy

#1: Well, you're my mom! (translated: doesn't that mean I HAVE to love you?)
#2: Because you're preety (hee, hee!)
#3: You cook DELICIOUS meals (translated: hey, we gave you a new stockpot, can you finally make me some homemade chicken noodle soup?)
#4: You take me on trips
#5: You love me (this made me think of the Barney song)
#6: You get me presents
#7: You buy me books
#8: You buy me toys (perhaps he's a bit materialistic?)
#9: You don't homeschool me (this one really cracked me up, and he totally didn't get why. He's quite serious, and all I'm thinking is that he's thanking me for not cooping him up in the house with me all day. I have no idea where this came from -- I have two dear friends who homeschool, and it's not like we've ever discussed it. Oh, the workings of that boy's mind!)
#10: You are the best mommy you can be (or, you can't help it that you can't do any better, you're just doing your best with what you have, poor thing)

Ya'll. So funny. The last ten years have been lots of growing and stretching and worrying and praying and changing, but so fun. These boys of mine amaze me every day!


Tish said...

THAT is hilariously awesome! You are saving that forever & ever, right?!?

Misslisslee said...

Absolutely -- you can't purchase that kind of funny, plus I might need blackmail material one of these days!

Sharon L. Holland said...

"You don't homeschool me." He has pretty definite ideas on the subject, huh? It has the tone of "you don't make me live on bread and water."

Misslisslee said...

He has pretty definite ideas on everything. A legacy of my father, whose stubbornness was legendary and who had a mule somewhere back in the misty depths of the family tree, I'm sure of it.