Friday, February 8, 2008

A Friday Without Plans

Today, I rose from my bed, ambled out to the kitchen to check the calendar, and lo! What surprise! Nothing is scheduled for today. After I double- and triple-checked, (true story: I once missed a final because I didn't read the final exam schedule correctly) I began calling my friends (after dropping the kids off at school, of course). The conversations went something like this:

Me: Hello? Good friend? Can you come out and play today?

Good Friend: Nope. Lots of commitments, things to get done while the kids are in school.

Me: No? Well, it's short notice, we'll do it again sometime.

Me: Hello? Just as good friend? Can you come out and play today?

Just as Good Friend: Well, no. Plans to clean the house, bake, other commitments while the kids are at school.

Me: No? Okay, it's short notice, we'll pick another time.

Me: Well, that stinks. I'm boooooooored. I waaaaaant someeeeeebody to plaaaaaaay with. Oh, my. Those words, and that tone of voice, aren't allowed in this house.
Should I go outside to say them?

Actual conclusion: I guess I'll spend this day working on some of those projects I never seem to have time to complete. Gee, doesn't that sound exciting?

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